CAR-go trolleys
Transport modular trolley.
The structural body of the trolleys is made by assembling composite materials, the sturdy base, in painted tubular steel, is provided with shockproof plastic covers that act as an all-round bumper and is supplied as standard with 4 twin wheels, diameter 150 mm, 2 of which with a brake. The sides are made of bearing perimeter profiles of extruded aluminium, with internal panelling in epoxy polyester powder coated plate.
There is a range of Stainless steel structural body.
*LOGIko is a transport management system designed for hospitals and critical areas. Through the use of modular-multifunction storage UNIka and UNIKA trolleys, designed to accommodate containers UNI-ISO size, timing and modes of transportation of medical supplies are made simple and fast. The interchangeability of trays and baskets makes the LOGIko extremely flexible and versatile, adapted to any operational requirement of the Department.