CO2 Lasers
CO 25plus and MCO 50plus | The essentials in focus
With the new MCO 25plus/MCO 50plus CO2 lasers, KLS Martin offers you laser technology at its best. Thanks to their easy-to-understand operating philosophy, excellent optical characteristics and comprehensive, innovative accessories, these CO2 lasers can be used in many fields and for a great variety of indications.
Both laser systems offer users numerous application-specific operating modes, all of which are characterized by utmost precision and an extremely low thermal impact on surrounding tissues. A good example in case is the Superpulse mode with its ultra-short pulse lengths of significantly less than 1 ms.
Integrated scanner SoftScan plus
Another highlight is the integrated SoftScan plus scanner for controlled, gentle tissue vaporization and resection. Thanks to a whole range of high-quality application instruments, the SoftScan plus can be used across all microsurgical fields.
skinFrac Mode for CO2 Laser Series MCOplus
We are pleased to present to you the new “skinFrac” mode for the MCOplus CO2 laser series used in cosmetic dermatology.
skinFrac enables users to upgrade all existing MCOplus lasers equipped with scanners with a fractionated scanning function. All MCOplus units manufactured December 2012 or later already include the required software and are therefore delivered “skinFrac ready”. To work with the fractionated scanning function of new MCOplus units equipped with scanner, users need no more than the softFrac and powerFrac handpieces.
Why skinFrac?
Where large-scale epidermal ablation is required, e.g. in skin resurfacing procedures, the problem hitherto were the long convalescence times. Due to the high invasiveness of large-surface ablation scans, it was impossible to remove dermal problems such as acne scars without causing considerable skin trauma.
The concept of fractionated scanning aims at preserving the skin surface to the greatest possible extent, thus restricting ablation or stimulation to areas where this is absolutely unavoidable for the success of the treatment.
When using the softFrac mode via the softFrac handpiece (76-501-08-04), ablation is restricted to spots with a size of 0.8 mm on a surface of 10 x 10 mm.
- softFrac penetration depth: 0,2mm (MCO25plus) and 0,3mm (MCO50plus)
- softFrac spot size: 0,8mm
- 76-501-08-04 softFrac handpiece
This mode allows the highly targeted (point-type) removal of the uppermost dermal layer while leaving healthy tissue fully intact. Especially in the case of cosmetic indications such as wrinkle smoothing, the patient benefits from significantly shorter convalescence times compared with large-scale ablation scans.
The powerFrac mode is ideal for indications originating from the deeper dermal levels. In these cases, the treatment is aimed at stimulating the formation of new collagen strands in the skin, which has a tightening effect on the skin, thus leading to the desired aesthetic result. This method is especially suited for removing acne scars.
- powerFrac penetration depth: Up to 2 mm (MCO25plus, MCO50plus)
- powerFrac spot size: 0,15mm
- 67-502-01-04 powerFrac handpiece
When using the powerFrac mode with the powerFrac handpiece (76-502-01-04), spots with a diameter of 0.15 mm are treated on a surface of up to 5 x 5 mm in the form of “energy columns” being created down to a dermal depth of 2 mm.
Economic aspects
The previous MCOplus series was clearly positioned in the surgical segment. High peak power in Superpulse mode in conjunction with extremely low beam diameters offers excellent therapeutic results in the surgical field. With the skinFrac option, the MCOplus series can now be upgraded to full-fledged CO2 lasers for cosmetic applications.
In this high-price segment, the MCOplus with skinFrac option represents an attractive solution from the economic perspective as well because it enables users to offer surgical and cosmetic treatments with a single unit.
The skinFrac solution offers:
- Wide range of applications in dermatology
- Indication-specific settings for intuitive use
- Variable penetration depth and spot density
- Short convalescence times
- 5 working modes for a comprehensive range of surgical options thanks to “cold cut” in Superpulse mode
- Excellent hemostatic effect in gnuine continuous-wave mode
- High economic efficiency due to the possibility of upgrading existing MCOplus lasers