OverviewMindray’s brand new solution provides continual insight into the customer’s clinical needs by creating evolving cutting edge ultrasound technology. Full of vivacity, with the goal of insight into the future and pursuit of infinite possibilities, it is constantly improving with increased scalability.
Ergonomic Features
eXceeding Experience
Innovation is inspired by clinical needs.
The DC-80A with X-Insight is focusing on what matters to you and refines your user experience by providing clarity, flexibility, and intuitive technologies that exceed your expectations.
- Premium Color Doppler ultrasound unit with 23.8’’ LCD monitor i 13.3’’ LED touch screen
- 5 transducer ports, 1TB HDD + SSD 128 GB, USB ports, HDMI, Wi-Fi
- Specifications: B, THI, M, Anatomic M, Curved anatomic M, Color, Power, PW, CW, TDI, CEUS, Panoramic, Elastography Strain and Shear Wave, 3D/4D
- Optional: Shear Wave Elastography, CW, 3D/4D, Free Xros, iScape®, UWN, Contrast Imaging, iPage®, SCV, STIC, TDI, StressEcho, gel warmer and etc.
Key Features
High efficiency with precision imaging.
DC-80A with X-Insight focuses on customer requirements such as providing a more comprehensive and dedicated solution to ultrasound imaging and improving product usability
to enhance diagnostic efficiency. Based on an insightful look into customer needs, the DC-80A with X-Insight is designed to deliver high efficiency with precision imaging, which is empowered by eXpress clarity, eXceptional Intelligence, and benefits from an eXceeding experience.
- eXpress Clarity
More clarity at hand.
To achieve excellent images with minimal effort is always the highest clinical priority and Mindray’s endless pursuit. With continuous innovation of imaging and transducer technologies, X-Insight delivers express clarity as soon as the transducer touches the body.
- eXceptional intelligence
Intelligence integrated in professional diagnostic tools for whole examination procedures.
DC-80A with X-Insight provides exceptional intelligence integrated in professional diagnostic tools across wide applications and throughout whole examination procedures, from regular screening to further diagnosis and clinical follow up.