01 Jul

ECG Holter
Norav’s true 3 lead Holter system features:
- Outstanding on-screen graphics
- Remarkable speed for downloading patient data from the recorder to the PC, using a USB cable or flash car reader.
- Analysis is completed and ready to be printed within minutes after downloading.
- Maximum patient comfort thanks to the small Holter ECG recorder
- Comprehensive, reliable Holter report
- Signal averaging
- Καταγραφέας καρδιογραφήματος 24, 48 ωρών, 4 και 7 ημερών.
- Πλήρης αναγνώριση αρρυθμιών και αναλυτική παρουσίαση έκθεσης ασθενούς.
- Αρχειοθέτηση σε pdf.