26 Oct

Rad Rooms

Xtreme DReam

High level general rad rooms for flat panel detector

The high versatility of Xtreme Dream simplifies radiographic procedures.

Available in analog version


RAD Series Pro DReam

The Rad Series Pro DReam facilitates all radiographic procedures 

Ergonomically shaped and easy to use.  Rad Series Pro Dream covers a wide range of procedures.

Available in analog  version



Digital auto centered system with variable SID

STATIF Pro DReam is multipurpose, easy to use and motorised.
It allows fast examination procedures in all radiographic applications for patients in standing, sitting or laying positions.

Available in analog  version



Autocentred system with variable F.F.D. Digitized with flat detector

STATIF DReam is a Universal Radiographic System composed of a swivel arm moving on a fixed column. It is easy to operate and permits a swift radiographic procedure, a feature which applies to all exposures techniques on all body parts .
The system is composed of a floor-to-wall column and a turnable arm with variable height centre. It enables to take exposures of patients in standing, sitting or laying position.

Available in analog  version


RAD Series E+ DReam

Dedicated to small activities rooms or for secondary rooms

This equipment allows an easy examination procedure for conventional radiographic procedures.

Available in analog  version



Autocentred system with fixed F.F.D.

BRS has been designed to respond to basic needs and small rooms. It is extremely simple to set up and use.

Available in analog  version



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